On Wednesdays, we update our estate plans!

A ‘Mean Girls’ guide to Estate Planning

With the premier of the movie Mean Girls, it is only fitting that we talk about the lessons of estate planning we learn in the movie. While Mean Girls might not be the obvious contender for providing estate planning wisdom, the juxtaposition of high school drama – surprisingly – actually can offer insights into the world of estate planning (yes, we were suprised too!).

Power Dynamics

In the cutthroat world of high school cliques, “the Plastics” exhibit a clear hierarchy- with Regina George on the throne. Just as designating roles within a social circle is crucial, estate planning involves outlining certain power dynamics.

Appointing responsible individuals as executors, trustees, and guardians is critical to establishing a trusted team, ensuring your wishes are carried through.

Communication is Key

The plastics thrive on miscommunication and gossip, leading to Regina watching the world burn due to the “Burn Book”. In the estate planning realm, open and clear communication with family members and beneficiaries is the key to a successful estate plan.

Planning for Contingencies

Regina George’s elaborate “Burn Book” becomes a disastrous plan, causing mass chaos in the lives of those around her. In estate planning, contemplating contingencies becomes imperative- ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes and not left to chance. Anticipating potential challenges becomes the foundation for mitigating future complications.

Personal Growth & Plan Evolution

Cady’s character undergoes significant personal growth, much like individuals and families who experience changes over time. Estate plans should evolve with life events, such as marriage, the birth of children, or financial shifts. Regular updates keep the plan not just relevant but finely tuned, aligned with your life.


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Legacy & Reputation

Regina George’s infamous reputation precedes her, showcasing the impact of legacies. Consider the legacy you want to leave behind through your estate plan. Create your plan in a way that represents who you are and how you want to be remembered.

A Whole New World

In the world of Mean Girls, Cady Heron undergoes a significant life change as she relocates from Africa to the unfamiliar grounds of North Shore High School. Similar to Cady’s cultural adjustment, individuals relocating to a new state or country often find themselves in uncharted legal territories. In estate planning, moving demands careful consideration and legal adjustments. Each state has its own set of laws governing wills, trusts, and other aspects of estate planning. Ensuring your estate planning documents comply with the legal requirements of your new location becomes crucial to a smooth transition.

While Mean Girls remains a comedy and not a guide to estate planning, the parallels drawn serve as a lighthearted yet profound approach to this serious topic. Unveiling these hidden lessons shows that, much like navigating high school drama, crafting a thoughtful and strategic estate plan requires careful consideration, foresight, and perhaps a touch of fetch. So, in the spirit of Regina George, “Get in loser, we’re going to The Walls Law Group!”
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